Code of Organizational Ethics and Integrity

Know the Code

The University of Richmond’s Code of Organizational Ethics and Integrity describes the commitment of the University to the highest ethical standards of honesty and integrity. It is intended to foster the mission and values of the University. This Code also supports the University’s vision to be a leader in higher education, preparing students to contribute to, and succeed in, a complex world; producing knowledge to address the world’s problems; and modeling the way that colleges and universities can effectively meet the challenges of our time. This Code is an integral component of the University’s compliance program and is designed to promote compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as the prevention and detection of violations of applicable laws and regulations.

Members of the University community commit to the following principles:


This Code applies to the following members of the University community:

  • Members of the Board of Trustees or a committee of the Board of Trustees;
  • Members of the governing board of a wholly owned affiliates or subsidiaries of the University;
  • Faculty, staff, and student employees of the University; and
  • Volunteers, contractors and other representatives providing services to or acting on behalf of the University.

This Code is intended to apply to members of the University community when acting on behalf of the University or in the scope of their employment by the University. This Code does not apply to students at the University. Conduct standards for students are set forth in the University of Richmond Student Handbook.

Mission of the University

The mission of the University is to educate in an academically challenging, intellectually vibrant and collaborative community dedicated to a holistic development of students, and the production of scholarly and creative work. A Richmond education prepares students for lives of purpose, thoughtful inquiry, and responsible leadership in a diverse world.

Values of the University

Student Growth: The University of Richmond is committed to the personal and intellectual development of all students. Through close mentoring and small classes taught by dedicated teachers/scholars and the opportunities and environment made possible by talented and engaged staff, the University challenges students to recognize their full potential, supports the development of their resilience, and encourages their growth as socially responsible community members.

Pursuit of Knowledge: The University of Richmond values intellectual curiosity, teaching that challenges and inspires, ambitious scholarly and creative work, and education as a lifelong process of discovery and growth. The University is committed to academic freedom and the promotion of a vibrant intellectual community that encourages thoughtful disagreement and the vigorous exchange of ideas.

Inclusivity and Equity: The University of Richmond values the dignity, worth, and contributions of all individuals; the thoughtful and respectful engagement with a broad diversity of perspectives and experiences essential to intellectual growth; and an inclusive community in which all members can engage meaningfully in institutional life and contribute to a community where all thrive.

Diversity and Educational Opportunity: The University of Richmond is committed to fostering a
diverse community of students, staff and faculty. It is dedicated to access, affordability, and ensuring that the benefits of its transformative educational opportunities are not limited by financial circumstance or background.

Ethical Engagement: The University of Richmond values integrity, responsibility for the ethical consequences of our ideas and actions, and meaningful engagement with our local and global communities.

Responsible Stewardship: The University of Richmond values the trust that has been placed in it by generations of alumni, students, parents, and members of our community. The University is committed to the careful stewardship of institutional and environmental resources, and of the relationships that provide the foundation of our University community.

Violations of the Code of Ethics and Integrity

Adherence to this Code requires University community members to bring suspected violations of applicable laws, regulations, policies, and standards to the attention of the appropriate office. Reporting a compliance concern in good faith will not jeopardize one's employment.

The University prohibits University community members from retaliating or allowing retaliation against another community member for reporting activities suspected of violating laws, regulations, contractual obligations, or University policy.

Confirmed violations of this Code of Conduct will result in appropriate consequences for the violators.