University Compliance

Welcome to the University of Richmond Compliance Office. Compliance is an essential component to the University’s success and is directly linked to the University’s strategic goal to create a thriving and inclusive campus community. As a University, we are committed to creating a professional learning community where all individuals feel safe, valued and respected. A robust compliance program helps us develop and reinforce a shared set of values and expectations that influence how we interact and collaborate with one another. We are a community that embraces institutional integrity in all that we do. 

The compliance program is designed to organize our compliance activities and to monitor our compliance with existing and new laws, regulations and with University policies. It is not intended to intrude on areas of faculty governance and will not supersede the faculty handbook or other faculty and staff policies and procedures.

Compliance is not an isolated activity. It happens every day, with every decision, for every employee. Truly, yoU R compliance. We are here to help by answering questions, providing training, and by offering guidance and advice on a range of compliance issues. We want to partner with University departments and individuals in all our compliance activities. 

Four Key Elements of University Compliance

Governance and Administrative Oversight

At the Board level, the compliance program is overseen by the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of Trustees. At the administrative level, the Compliance Oversight Committee is primarily responsible for the design, implementation, and operation of the compliance program. The committee comprises representatives from across the University who have significant compliance responsibilities.

Code of Organizational Ethics and Integrity

The University of Richmond's Code of Organizational Ethics and Integrity describes the commitment of the University to the highest ethical standards of honesty and integrity. This Code is an integral component of the University's compliance program and is designed to promote compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as the prevention and detection of violations of applicable laws and regulations.

The Compliance Matrix: Delegation of Compliance Responsibilities

While each member of the University community has a responsibility to ensure that the University conducts itself ethically and in compliance with the law, there are certain individuals throughout the University who are knowledgeable about and have the responsibility of maintaining compliance with specific laws and regulations. The University's Compliance Matrix identifies those individuals and their respective areas of responsibility. These individuals are available to assist members of the University community with compliance questions relating to their areas of expertise.

Confidential Reporting Mechanism

Members of the University community are encouraged to discuss compliance-related questions or concerns directly with their supervisor, department chairs, deans, directors, or other members of the University administration. The University has also established the Ethics and Compliance Helpline, a confidential reporting mechanism.